
Showing posts from June, 2023

Compositions Written by Literary Club's Active Members (Part IV)

  Kalpana  Saini,  B. A. (Hons) English, 4th Sem IIHS, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana   The Moment We Believe We Have Reached Perfection Retrogression Begins Once I was certain of a perfect life but seeing how I no longer want any of what made that vision of life 'perfect '  I am really sure that setting out for a dream is a recipe for profound grief and disillusionment. If you constantly strive for perfection you might not say what you want to say ...because perfection doesn't exist . It's like a mirage. You think you can see it way out in the distance and so you chase chase chase and chase .Only to be disappointed because each time you get there it vanishes. As for me in 2017 Phyllis Francis won gold in Junior Athletic Championship and set a benchmark for the winners . In 2018 Hima Das, an Indian , broke all the records and next year she might further improve. It's an illusion , a trap ,a never ending cycle of unhappiness and disappointment . Sat...

Compositions Written by Literary Club's Active Members (Part III)

 Mahak B.A. English Honours 4th Sem I believe I was never thankful enough For what I have and what I earned Seeing the world with the best I had Made me realise that everyone's a little burnt But they also have something so beautiful People to make them smile Being lent a shoulder when they need a good cry A sweet reminder that they are loved every once in a while Not everyone is born with a healthy body And yes, not all can maintain their peace of mind But the world gives them enough So they could keep trying Look at me, look at you Decide if you want to keep trying harder Because if there are good swimmers There are people who can barely keep their head above water ******************************************************************************************* You've made me laugh You've made me cry You've made me sad and lonely Yet i still try You've brought the best people in this world To me and i can't thank you enough But little storms were a package deal Whic...

Compositions Written by Literary Club's Active Members (Part II)

                                                                              Name: Anjali                                                              Class: B.A. Hons. English 6th Semester                                                                                Roll No. 202603                                               ...

Compositions written by IIHSKUK Literary Club's Active Members (Part I)

  नाम - हिमांशु टांक बी.ए.(द्वितीय सेमेस्टर) अनुक्रमांक -22006 Following are his  5 Ghazals,  5 Nazms,  2 Qita and  2 Dohe ______________________________ _______________________ ***************ग़ज़लें******** *******                               ग़ज़ल 1 1. अव्वल नाता जोड़ो हिंदी में, पहले गिनती सीखो हिंदी में। 2.गहरा तम* बिखरा है देहरी पर, तुम इक दीप जला लो हिंदी में। *तम (अँधेरा) 3. मैं उर्दू में ग़ज़लें कहता हूं, तुम इक गीत तो गा दो हिंदी में। 4.उर्दू में कहन* की मुश्किल है तो, कहना है जो कह दो हिंदी में। *कहन (कहने की,बोलने की) 5.भाषा के सीमा से वाक़िफ़ हूं, खुल कर दिल को खोलो हिंदी में। ***************ग़ज़ल 2************* 1.न तितली ही फटकती है न भौंरे ही फटकते हैं, सुख़न* के बाग़ में फिर भी ग़ज़ल के गुल महकते हैं। *सुखन (काव्य) 2.जहां* की सारी मंज़िल भूल के सफ़र शुरू होगा, नहीं पामाल* रस्ते जो मिरे दिल तक पहुंचते ह...