Bad Memories of the Past: Don't let them enter the Present

How complex the world is where our memories reside!! Good memories are like cool breezes that soothe our mind. A wise person is the one who knows how to tackle the emotional effects of bad memories. We tell ourselves many times it is better to forget bad memories. Is it so easy to forget them? Do we really forget? Never! They are assimilated as layers on the surface of our sub-consciousness. What does all this matter then? Forgetting is impossible but  to keep moving ahead in life, we need to be occupied and involved in productive exercises, family gatherings, friends' support and meditation. 

The problem that we ignore is the immense harm that bad memories do to our psyche. The more we are buried in our bad memories, the more damage is done to our living. Some people, events, incidents, moments and places are ingrained on our minds like permanent marks. We find different outlets. The most harmful one is when we start blaming the other side and always find ourselves right and more giving. Blame game is the worst; it never allows us to exist in breathing spaces. All of time we are thinking of the past becoming the judges of the past situations. First thing that we should do to help ourselves is to leave this habit. Bad memories reside in one of the rooms of your house. Don't go to the room for the time being. When you become more strong, you will realize that these are pillars that make you stable in the difficulties of life.
It is natural to feel bad when we are hurt. We can not become stones. We can not be wise on the first go. It is a gradual process where we learn not to over-react and cling to bad memories all the time. How nice it would be if we look at the past with an objective sight of a spectator and analyze the importance of that happening! Bad things happen for a reason; they make us steady and enduring beings. Some people who give us bad memories are the ones who came to our life as teachers teaching a big lesson that differences do occur; we have to be in tune with contrary and opposed rhythms of life.  If we do not have the art of making such balanced attitude, we need to cultivate it. There is no other way out of dealing with bad situations and people. We see many differences creeping in the circles of our personal and professional lives. Discord and conflict are created at a large level when we allow them. 

What is the solution? Keeping differences in mind by suppressing them does more damage than expressing yourself. When we express, we feel light but there are situations when another person is not ready or willing to let us put our point of view. Such events are dangerous for us. We are left alone overthinking on the situation and the thought processes of the person involved. Life will be a punishment then if we cling to the person who is no more in our life. It is easy to cry and mourn over the past moments. God blessed us this precious life not to just cry but to find life out of many deaths that we undergo many times when we feel cheated and defeated. We need to love our inestimable existence first; then we will understand that ruining our mind with overthinking of the bad memories is the worst habit.


  1. Very true Jimmy.. clinging to these bad memories is ruining your own precious self... one loses oneself for the others , for those who gave them the gift of the unpleasant memories.. without realizing that it is more or less self decaying practice on which only they can put an end..

    1. thanks a lot, dear nidhi
      you elucidated your point impeccably

  2. Nice ,
    with lots of positive vibes.

    After all,
    Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to that.


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