
Showing posts from March, 2021

Rasa Theory in Kalidasa’s Abhijnanashakuntalam

 (A comprehensive research paper presented by Ashwin, Roll No. 202554) Introduction to Rasa Theory   Bharata Muni’s ‘Rasa’ theory initially originated in his Sanskrit treatise written on the performing arts-Natyashastra. According to the Natyashastra, the goals of theatre and its elements are to empower aesthetic experience and deliver emotional rasa. It has its roots in the Vedic period, in Rig Veda as well as Atharvaveda. The theory advocates that entertainment is the desired effect of performance arts but not the primary goal, and the primary goal is to transport the individuals present in the audience into another parallel reality, full of wonder and bliss, where he/she experiences the essence of his/her consciousness and reflects on spiritual and moral aspects. It suggests that every object and meaning has an emotional effect that diverts the human mind with its experience and controls the heart and mind of an individual. To facilitate the understanding of this theo...